Thursday, February 1, 2018

Don't grab me, Bro!

How to Tell Your Cat about Trump

Breaking Burgh


 Amazon Digital Services LLC

June 22, 2017

3 stars

I didn't used to worry about my cat Fred. During the election campaign, Fred would appropriately hiss at the screen whenever Trump appears. He seemed appropriately concerned about being grabbed and whether or not he would be deported. After all, we are pretty sure Fred has some Persian in him. But now that it has been about a year, he has become complacent about our new president. He just yawns or grooms himself when he sees Trump on the TV now. Is Fred becoming complacent or, worse, a secret Trump supporter?

Thankfully, the satirical blog and concessional publisher Breaking Burgh has addressed my concern and the concerns of liberal cat owners nationwide. First thing to remember is, even though you would like to believe it is true, your cat probably isn't a liberal to begin with. Most cat are libertarians owing to the delusion they are independent creatures while totally relying on you for their needs. When cats realize that Trump isn't trying to grab them or tax their tuna they may be more susceptible to the lure of Trump. The authors help you determine if your cat is a secret Trump supporter. I was happy to know Fred did not exhibit any pro-Trump behaviors. For example , he doesn't hiss at Mexicans, illegal or otherwise. Fred is an equal opportunity hisser.

How to Talk to Your Cat About Trump is brief and cute. It is clearly satirical and is unabashedly liberal in nature. It does require that one has an open minded sense of humor in order to enjoy it which it why I would not recommend this to our current president. However for most cat lovers and people who just like to laugh, it is a cute diversion.

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