Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mystery, horror, or soap opera?

Descending Son

By Scott Shepard

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars.

Descending Son wants to be a mystery, a horror novel and a soap opera all at the same time. All that does is stretch the story into a meandering mish-mash. It starts out well as a mystery with our main protagonist returning home to his ailing father after a seven year absence. A mysterious car accident and the strange demise of his father moves the novel into suspense mode. Yet after a third of the tale passes, a supernatural aspect emerges and we are in horror city. I don't want to ruin the "surprise". Lets just say it's an over used concept. This isn't to say that this type of mystery / horror hybrid of family secrets haven't been done well before. It's just that the author's blending of current events and past comes across a bit too choppy and haphazard. Not to mention that I am getting tired of the cliff-hanger ending that hints a sequel. Can't anyone write a single stand-by-itself book any more? I'm tempted to give it an extra star just for being based in my hometown but frankly, the Coachella Valley and Palm Springs locales doesn't really add much. Overall, I found this to be a major disappointment. I'm still waiting from something worthwhile from the Amazon First program.

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